Doesn’t everyone love to watch movies, I really do. There are all types of movies out there from horror, drama,  thrillers, to love stories.  Where do you watch movies?

Do you Watch movies on the internet? Do you like to go out to watch movies or stay at home? Me personally, I like to watch movies from everywhere and I will share some of the things I do to watch movies and some of my favorite sites to watch movies from.

I love to watch movies on my big flat screen tv at home, and one of the ways I like to watch movies is on my Blu-ray player, or whatever might be on cable at the time. Another way I like to enjoy movies on my tv is to stream though a Netflix ready device. Another way I enjoy movies is to connect my laptop to my big screen with a HDMI cable, then I can stream movies from a bunch of different sites on the internet such as Hulu or other free streaming services out there. There is one site I enjoy a site called where you can search for shows and see if they are available on the internet, and whether or not they are free to watch. There are also a bunch of sites out there that you pay a fee to watch movies like Vudu, Comcast, Hulu plus, and Amazon just to name a few. These sites offer movies that range typically from $1.99 to $5.99, which can be a huge savings from taking your family out to the movies. These sites also have newer releases than Netflix and

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sites like that. Some cable providers also have this service.

Sometimes though, you really want to see a movie in a theater, maybe even a 3-D production. (which I sometimes enjoy) One of the drawbacks to seeing a movie in the theater is the large cost, sometimes it can be as much as $15 per person just to see the movie. What I try to do is to pick movies that I really want to go see in the theater and just bite the bullet. After all some movies are just meant to seen that way.

So enjoy watching movies, with more ways than ever.

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Image representing Vudu as depicted in CrunchBase

Image representing hulu as depicted in CrunchBase